Friday, March 21, 2014

Blast from the Past

Colton's parents have just moved into their house that they were building so there are a lot of bins in the garage. Tonight they decided to go through some old pictures. It was so fun to see pictures from 10 and 20 years ago. It is funny to see how some things have changed and some things haven't!  We looked at the baby pictures to see who Hayes and Hudson look the most alike. It will be interesting to see once they get a little bit older who they will really look like. It was fun to hear some stories of the pictures and there were some where we had a good laugh!

Thursday, March 20, 2014


These two little guys are only 12 days apart but Hayes has Hudson beat by a long shot!  They will both be big and walking before we know it though.  We are so glad to be back to hold these two little boys.  They are so sweet and such good babies.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

One thing I love about being back

One thing I love about being back is feeding the cows!  I have this strange love for them that I never would have thought of having for such smelly animals.  I love seeing all the babies running around and playing. I love when they lay on top of the hay when we feed them.  And I love to look for and help the little babies back through the fence or help them stand up.  So every chance I get I'll be out here with Colton feeding them!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hunting or mudding

 Colton went hunting for sheds yesterday with his brother and the boys. He said he got his truck just a little bit dirty and this is what I woke up to this morning! I asked him if it was a little dirty or alot but only said a little.  I should have known!I think this is the dirtiest it has been in 3 years!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Moving Back

The past few months have been really hard for me.  I have had no motivation for school, I felt like Nursing isn't what I should be doing, I wasn't enjoying it as much as I thought I would, and was just really confused as to what to do.  After Christmas break I didn't even want to go back to school.  As more time passed by I decided that this really isn't what I needed to be doing so I decided to withdraw from my classes.  Colton decided to stick it out for one more test to see how he would do. I love how he was still going to give it all he got and not give up.  I'm not saying I was giving up but with my lack of motivation some negativity, he was still staying strong and I love that about him.  After he received his test score, and doing worse on that test than the first test we took, he decided too that he would be done.  This decision has been hard for both of us but we do feel like this is what we needed to do at the time.  I do believe that everything happens for a reason and everything will work out it the end.  It is amazing how everything works out, we never had this in our minds that this is what we would be doing.  I don't regret moving and going to school and I will forever treasure all the moments we have had with my Grandparents.  I know there is a reason why we moved there and if I don't know all those reasons now it's okay and I know later on I may have a better understanding.

So, we have decided to move back to Utah.  Colton is working with his Dad on the farm and I am trying to find a job.  Colton has always had a passion for farming and I am thinking this is what he will do forever now!  With Colton working full time now, I am going to need to find something to do to occupy some of my time!  I'll find something I'm sure, I just have to stay hopeful.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Family Night

Tonight we went bowling for FHE with our friends and I just had to share because I got my all time highest score ever!  I bowled a 154 and I was so proud of myself!  Skill or luck?  I don't know but I'll take it!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Temple dedication

I am so grateful for the opportunity Colton and I have to be here for the Gilbert Temple dedication.  This was only my second dedication that I have been to and I love being apart of such a special experience.  The spirit was so strong and the feeling at the church was so special.  I think it is so neat that so many more temples are in the process of being built.  The missionary work is growing so much and that makes me really excited.  I'm grateful for all the members of the church and the growing members that we need more temples!  Temples are so special and beautiful and so glad we are here for the Gilbert Temple!

There was also a cultural celebration yesterday and my cousin Nicolas was able to be apart of it.  The celebration was great but thought it would maybe get cancelled because it was raining so hard!  The rain didn't let up but they still went though with it.  There were over 12000 young men and young women in the Gilbert area that were apart of it.  Even through the cold and rain, they all did a great job.