Monday, April 30, 2012

My first Spanish talk!

I gave my first Spanish talk in church on Sunday in the Spanish branch. President had asked us if we would be willing to talk on eternal marriage and told me that it would be okay for me to give it in English. We both gladly accepted and I was talking to Colton on the way home and told him that I wanted to give it in Spanish. So I wrote down what I wanted to say and then Colton translated it to Spanish for me. I practiced my talk several times because I didn't want to stumble over any words. My talk was a success though and Colton did a wonderful job too as usual! I'm so grateful for this opportunity to serve in the Spanish branch and be such great people. I'll share with you my testimony in Spanish since my talk was 4 pages long!

 Quiero compartir mi testimonio y se que este es la iglesia verdadera. Soy tan agradecia por mi esposo y el entendimiento de que estaremos juntos para siempre. Siento agradicia por el evangelio y el gozo que me trae. Se que presidente monson es nuestro profeta viviente que nos guie. Digo estas cosas en el nombre de jesucristo, amen.

1 comment:

  1. That is so impressive!! Miss you guys! Hope all is going great!
