Saturday, May 31, 2014

Salt Lake

Our friends from Arizona came to visit us this weekend because he will be going to BYU in January.  So, they came to check out campus and look for a few places to live.  They stayed with us and we were so thrilled to have them here! Today we all went to Salt Lake and visited temple square and took a tour of the Joseph Smith building and the Conference Center.  That was my first time actually taking the tour and it was really neat.  Colton and I had been to Conference there before but it was a different perspective when nobody is in there.  It was really neat and we had a fun time with our friends!  We grabbed lunch at the City Creek Mall and walked around for a little bit.
It was a beautiful day to be in Salt Lake City!

Monday, May 26, 2014


Repelling for Memorial Day was fun and a pretty good success I would say.  Nobody got hurt and I think everyone had a fun time. We went up a little canyon in Ephraim and it was pretty neat. I had never been there before so it was fun to see something different. Colton went a few times and unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of him but I did get one of Curtis and Jaxton.  Jaxton was so excited to go once he came down he wanted to go again. So he hiked up the mountain and made it about half way down and then he didn't want to go anymore. He said he wanted someone to go get a ladder and then he would just climb down! But, after a little while we finally got him to come down!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Feeding the Calf

Our nephews love the cows and they really wanted to feed the baby calf with us.  They were so excited! They had a hard time being quiet at first to get the calf to come to them but once they were quiet, they did great. I love that Colton is always so good to his nephews and very patient. I just had to take a picture of this sweet moment.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Birthay Tori

One of my good friends, Tori, had a birthday today!  Since we have moved back to Utah, we have been playing a lot of Rook. We are so fortunate to have friends here who love to play Rook as much as we do!  Tori and her husband both love playing and we are so glad! I don't know why but Colton and I are kind of addicted to this game, it's just so much fun!  Hope you have had a great day Tori, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!